In this course, Black Women with coarse 4C (non-relaxed) natural hair will learn how to do a Wash-N-Go Curl Go Hair Style. You will get a straight forward step-by-step (daily) process that will show you how to hydrate, moisturize, define your `curls,` and style your hair.
If you frustrated with your hair and you want a new style and you want it to grow, enroll now! Let`s try your natural hair journey!!!
Course Curriculum
Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 1
Day 1: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 1
Video 1: Day 1 Part 1 Introduction
Video 1: Day 1 Part 2 Washed Hair & Curled Out
Video 1: Day 1 Part 3 Curled Out Back and Side Hair
Video 1: Day 1 Part 4 Curl Top of Hair
Video 1: Day 1 Part 5 Finished with curls
Day 1: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 1
Video 1: Day 1 Part 6 Evening Routine
Day 2: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 2
Day 2: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 2
Video 2: Day 2 Morning Routine
Video 2: Day 2 Evening Routine
Day 3: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 3
Day 3: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 3
Video 3: Day 3
Day 4: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 4
Day 4: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 4
Video 4: Day 4
Day 5: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 5
Day 5: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 5
Video 5: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 5 Morning Routine
Video 5: Wash- N-Go Curl Out Day 5 Evening Routine
Day 6: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 6
Day 6: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 6
Video 6: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 6
Day 7: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 7
Day 7: Step to Step Morning Process and Evening Check List for Day 7
Video 7: Wash-N-Go Curl Out Day 7
Bonus Wash-N-Go Tight Curl Out
Bonus Wash-N-Go Tight Curl Out Video